Inquiry Based Learning at Canadian School Bahrain
What is Inquiry Based Learning? It is an all encompassing concept that involves investigating, problem solving, active exploration and hands-on learning that engages students to the fullest.
At CSB our curriculum involves Inquiry based learning that engages students in their lessons which helps them to foster a deeper understanding of what they have learnt and to make key connections to previous learning as well as future learning. Our students are encouraged to apply their knowledge to real life situations and problem solve together, focusing on our Core Competencies of Communication, Collaboration, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Responsibility.
CSB teachers are all British Columbia Certified and have a strong understanding of how to base their teaching on Inquiry methods which allows students to explore, wonder, provoke, reflect and give them a safe environment to not know the answer right away but to question, investigate and research with their peers to understand what it is that they are learning.
Students are continuously assessed throughout the academic year, allowing them to receive on-going feedback from their teachers and make improvements. Our teachers use continuous assessment as a tool to better understand where students are at in their learning and which areas they need to focus on with their instructional planning. Key factors of the assessment process are knowing the degree to which our students understand when, where and how to use the knowledge they have obtained in the real world.
“Inquiry based learning is fueled by students curiosity”
The appropriate use of technology within our classrooms allows students to lead their own research and gather findings independently or within groups to enhance their understanding of the lesson. Students have access to iPads in class which allows them to record, create and develop digital presentations, commercials, and videos which showcases their personalities through a digital format allowing them to choose how they communicate and express their understanding of the task at hand.
We are preparing students for an ever-changing future, thus we guide them to be Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens and to have an Entrepreneurial Ethos; graduates will continue to think critically, make observations; use technology to learn, innovate, discover and communicate ideas with others in a collaborative environment and be life long learners. We are teaching our students how to apply their Personal and Social Responsibility skills to build a life based on generosity, humility, empathy and compassion toward others and the environment.
Graduating with a Dogwood Diploma allows students to apply to any University worldwide, using the Core Competency Skills that they have learnt, they will be able to engage and interact in any learning environment and become leaders. This certificate is amongst the best in national and international academic assessments. Our students understand how to apply their education to local and global situations having developed strong inquiry skills as well as a love of learning.