The BC
The British Columbia Canada curriculum (BC Curriculum) is an internationally renowned education program of the highest standard.
The BC Curriculum teaches students through fostering a lifelong love of learning. This program offers a balanced, concept and inquiry-based approach that is student-centered.
The core competencies of Communication, Critical and Creative Thinking, and Personal and Social Responsibility are integrated into all learning.
All subject include Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, Applied Skills, Career Education, Arabic Language, Citizenship and Islamic Studies.
Personal Education Number (PEN)

Students registered will receive a Personal Education Number (PEN) which is a nine-digit number assigned to each student enrolled or registered with any BC Certified School.
Once issued, the PEN follows the student through their B.C. education path from Early Learning, to Grade 12.
This number is used for multiple purposes including:
- Transition between BC schools
- Post-secondary education
- Final transcripts
- Student reporting

This Diploma is internationally recognized by the world’s leading universities for entrance to tertiary studies. It is equivalent to a secondary school graduation certificate in Bahrain.
Academic results for B.C. students are outstanding as assessed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Program for International Student Assessment for educational systems (PISA).
In 2018 the B.C. program ranked 1st for reading, 2nd for science, and 6th for math across 72 countries and 10 Canadian provinces.
The BC Curriculum and how it differs from a traditional learning curriculum

The comprehensive curriculum provides an excellent foundation for all areas of learning.
CSB is focused on developing strong literacy and numeracy skills. Sound foundations of literacy and numeracy are skills that are the foundation of BC’s education system and are a key component of developing an educated citizen.
The most important goal of our program is to encourage our students to become self-confident inquisitive and enthusiastic learners.
The BC Curriculum allows children to learn through multiple pathways that help them to make personal connections to their learning. Teachers provide an environment in the classroom in which students are engaged and invested in their learning and ultimately advocate for their own learning.
The Arabic
CSB is committed to ensuring our students have every opportunity to succeed in their Arabic Language, Citizenship and Islamic studies.

Arabic language and local Citizenship are required courses for all students. Islamic studies are optional for non-Bahraini students.

The school offers the required number of hours and in many instances goes beyond the requirements to ensure that our students can become excellent in their Arabic studies.
The Arabic program includes many service opportunities which are also integrated into the BC program. Students also participate in local language and Quran competitions.
Arabic teachers collaborate with the BC teachers in integrating the curriculum whenever possible. It is another example of CSB's focus on taking a holistic approach to students and their learning.
CSB Curriculum
CSB Curriculum